6. Use a brush to apply a thin layer of the sealer to the repair/add-on. Immediately clean the
brush with acetone, or place the brush in a dark area.
7. Cure in the Enterra, Triad 2000 or the Eclipse Processing Unit using the INITIAL CURE on
Table 1.
8. Finish according to previous techniques.
Roughen the surface
Radica can also be used as a diagnostic and provisional material at the same time. This will
allow for a very esthetic diagnostic presentation, and the case will already be prepared for
1. Prepare the model using a uniform 1.0mm reduction.
2. Wax the case to full contour, optimizing the contours.
3. Make a mould using the Matrix Putty.
4. Fabricate the Radica provisional as previously indicated. Follow all steps as listed in the
Provisional Fabrication section.
5. Cure the diagnostic restoration before delivery to your account.
Working Model
Waxed to full contour
Apply the sealer
1.0 mm depth cuts
Matrix Putty
Add the resin and cure
Uniform 1.0 mm reduction