• I he carbon brushes (i any) need o be replaced, have his done by a qualied person. Keep in mind ha carbon brushes mus always be replaced in pairs.
• Swich o he power ool and disconnec i rom he power supply i i is believed o be damaged. Aferwards, assign he power ool's repair o a qualied
service proessional.
Saey insrucons or elecric le saws
• The surace o he work able mus be a and ree rom scraches.
• Do no exer excessive pressure on he able surace.
• Keep your hands away rom he roang blade.
• Do no remove a jammed blade wihou rs swiching o he uni and removing he plug rom he power socke.
• Check he waer level in he ank when cutng. The waer ank should no be empy.
• Only waer mus be poured ino he waer ank. Relling he ank wih solvens is prohibied.
• When he uni is no in use and beore carrying ou mainenance work, always disconnec he uni rom he power source.
• Periodically check ha he locking screw is ghened and ha he blade is securely asened o he shaf.
• Beore sarng he machine, he blade mus be careully checked or any cracks or damage. I he blade is damaged in any way, i mus be replaced
• Keep he cable away rom he blade and place i in such a posion ha i is no pulled in by he moving pars o he machine.
• Beore operang he uni, make sure ha all adjusng keys have been removed.
• Never cu objecs wihou wearing proecve gloves. Tiles mus be cu using he deph sop and angle gauge which are on he work able. Under no
circumsances should you cu very small workpieces which are dicul o posion saely on he machine or where cutng would require you o use your
hands o move he workpiece.
• Ensure ha he workpiece has enough space o be moved sideways. Failure o provide sucien space may resul in he workpiece being blocked rom
moving and cutng.
• Do no cu more han one le a a me.
• Make sure ha he work able and is surroundings are clean.
• Beore sarng o cu les, sar he uni and le he blade run or a ew seconds. I he blade makes srange noises or vibraes excessively, swich o he uni
immediaely and unplug he power cord o nd he source o he problem.
• Allow he moor o spin he blade o ull speed beore sarng o cu.
• Allow he blade o come o a complee sop beore removing blocked maerial.
• While he uni is running, never ouch is moving pars or he blade.
• Never remove pieces o he cu objec while he cutng disc is in moon.
• Ensure ha he cu pieces do no remain in he blade.
• Never leave he uni unaended while i is running or plugged ino an elecrical oule. Always swich o he uni and remove he power cord's plug rom
he socke beore leaving he work area.
• Never use he blade wihou waer. Dry cutng (wihou waer) causes rapid wear and can conribue o blade and moor damage.
• Use only suiable ranspor equipmen o ranspor he uni. Never use covers o move or ranspor he uni.
Power - Volage / Frequency
500 W S1 / 1200 W S6 15% - 230 V / 50 Hz
No load speed
2990 rpm
Blade size
230 mm - 25.4 x 2.4 mm
Cutng capaciy
920 mm
Table cutng deph
90° / 45°: 45 / 42 mm
Exension able
640 x 175 mm
45 kg
Exension side able, oldable base wih wheels,
waer pump
Warning: Never connec he power cord's plug o a socke beore all insallaons and adjusmens have been made and he saey and
operang insrucons have been read and undersood.
• Open and place he olding sand on a solid and level surace ha can suppor he weigh o he uni isel as well as he work maerials. Special care mus
be aken when placing he uni on he surace.
• Ensure ha he power source and elecrical oule are compable wih he uni.
Warning: The uni mus be earhed. I he uni is no properly earhed, elecric shock may resul. Ensure ha he power oule is earhed.
I in any doub, consul a qualifed elecrician or urher inormaon.
* The manuacurer reserves he righ o make minor changes o produc design and echnical
specicaons wihou prior noce unless hese changes signicanly aec he perormance
and saey o he producs. The pars described / illusraed in he pages o he manual ha
you hold in your hands may also concern oher models o he manuacurer's produc line
wih similar eaures and may no be included in he produc you jus acquired.
* To ensure he saey and reliabiliy o he produc and he warrany validiy, all repair,
inspecon or replacemen work, including mainenance and special adjusmens, mus only
be carried ou by echnicians o he auhorized service deparmen o he manuacurer.
* Always use he produc wih he supplied equipmen. Operaon o he produc wih
non-provided equipmen may cause maluncons or even serious injury or deah. The
manuacurer and he imporer shall no be liable or injuries and damages resulng rom he
use o non-conorming equipmen.