2.8 Wait for the device to
connect to the Wi-Fi
network and press the
word "Finish".
Configuration without Bluetooth
3.1 Follow the procedure in the previous paragraph 2.1. to turn on and reset the device.
3.2 Open the APP on your smartphone: on the first screen click on "ADD DEVICE" or optionally
click on "
" at the top right and press the writing: "
3.3 In the next screen, click "
3.4 "Set up Wi-Fi": enter: NAME and PASSWORD your Wi-Fi network, and click on the "next"
symbol to activate the connection.
3.5 On the next screen: click on the writing "Confirm" to activate, then the LED will flash quickly;
after this press on the "Next" symbol.
3.6 The countdown will start: Scanning devices ⇒ Register the device on Cloud ⇒ Start the device
that stops when the connection between your device and the smartphone has occurred ⇒ End.