Dimensions :
Dimensions :
Dimensions :
Dimensions :
Dimensions : 120 x 120 x 130 mm (L x B x H)
Weight :
Weight :
Weight : 1.5 kg
Weight :
Weight :
Screw-threaded input measurement terminals :
Screw-threaded input measurement terminals :
Screw-threaded input measurement terminals :
Screw-threaded input measurement terminals :
Screw-threaded input measurement terminals :
accept either 4 mm diameter plugs or 4 mm (minimum) spade connectors
Special indicators:
Special indicators:
Special indicators:
Special indicators:
Special indicators:
An indicator situated on the right of the
display (orangish colour on the IMEG 500
and green on the IMEG 1000) indicates that
the magneto speed is correct: when it is lit
the voltage between the terminals of the
instrument is 500V (for IMEG 500) and
1000 V (for IMEG 1000).
A red indicator situated on the left of the
display signals the automatic change of
range: when it is lit the reading
should be multiplied by 10 to get the result.
Dialectric voltage test :
Dialectric voltage test :
Dialectric voltage test :
Dialectric voltage test :
Dialectric voltage test :
2000 V rms 50 Hz across the terminals «-» and «+» (and terminal G for the IMEG
1000), between them and the earth protection terminal.
Shock resistance :
Shock resistance : acceleration 70 g (g = 9.81 m/s²)
Shock resistance :
Shock resistance :
Shock resistance :
Vibration resistance :
Vibration resistance :
Vibration resistance :
Vibration resistance :
Vibration resistance :
0.5 mm crest to crest in each direction at 33 Hz sinusoidal