Before contacting service personnel, refer to the following instructions to check and to correct
any failures.
Scale does not turn on
Questionable weight or
the scale does not zero
Weighing is performed but
the weighing process takes
too long and the weight
does not lock on the display
The display shows "Over"
The display shows
"Lo" message
Scale turns on but will not
register a weight reading
Inspecting the Load Cell Cable
1. Using a Phillips screwdriver, remove
the door at the back of the platform
base. (*Older models may not include
this feature. To inspect the load cell
cable, follow the assembly instructions
to disconnect the platform from the
P/N UM500KL 500KG Rev 20190408_Web
Possible Cause
1. Dead battery
2. Faulty electrical outlet
3. Bad power supply
1. External object interfering
with the scale
2. The display did not show
"0.0" before weighing
3. Scale is not placed on a
level floor
4. Scale is out of calibration
The patient is not standing
The load on the scale
exceeds the capacity
(500 lb / 220 kg)
The batteries are discharged
Load cell connector cable is
not plugged in
Load Cell Cable
2. Inspect the load cell connector cable to ensure
it is completely plugged into the RJ jack. If cable
was plugged in, unplug and plug in again until it
clicks into place. After checking connection,
replace door at the back of the platform base or
reassemble the platform and column.
Corrective Action
1. Replace batteries
2. Use a different outlet
3. Replace AC adapter
1. Remove interfering object
from the scale
2. Ask the patient to get off the
scale, zero the scale and begin
weighing process again
3. Place the scale on a level
floor and begin weighing
process again
4. Check weight with known
weight value
Ask the patient to stand still
Remove the excess weight and
use the scale according to its
Replace batteries according to
Refer to the instructions below
to inspect the load cell cable.
Load Cell Cable
Not Connected