en - Installation notes
Dispenser pump connections on the back of the machine
Connections 1 and 2 are provided for viscous agents can also be used
for high pressure dispensing systems with water injection. The
dispensing systems must be fitted with a separate drinking water
safety mechanism in accordance with EN 61770 and EN 1717. The
maximum flow rate is 1500 ml/min with a maximum flow pressure of
300 kPa.
These connectors are sealed and need to be drilled open using a
8 mm drill bit before connecting.
Make sure that you only drill through the first panel (I) as there is a
deflecting panel (II) 10 mm behind it.
Connections 3 to 12 are provided for liquid detergent. High pressure
dispensing systems with water injection must not be connected to
these connections. The connectors are sealed and must be cut to the
diameter of the hose with a small saw before they are connected.
If opened connectors are no longer required, they must be resealed
using a suitable sealant (e.g. silicone).
Connection terminals for five time-controlled dispenser pumps, which
can be operated without a multifunction module, are located behind
the cover adjacent to the electrical connection.
Calibration of the dispenser pumps and regulation of dispensing
quantities is carried out partly automatically for washing machines
fitted with an optional multifunction module. Information regarding
settings is given in the operating instructions.
A flowmeter or flow sensors can also be connected for monitoring the
dispensing quantity precisely.
Connections for level monitoring are available for every agent