Teach-in mode can be activated when "InS" is
7. Teaching-in on MAX! Components
In order to enable communication between MAX! Compo-
nents, the devices have to be taught-in to one another.
Start by switching the teach-in partner (e.g. the MAX!
Cube) to teach-in mode.
To activate teach-in mode on the radiator thermostat,
press and hold down the Boost button for at least 3
seconds. The antenna symbol (
with the teach-in time remaining in seconds. The teach-
in time is 30 seconds.
As soon as the MAX! Radiator Thermostat has
been taught in on a gateway like the MAX! Cube,
all data such as date, time or weekly program are
transmitted to it via the radio connection.
Without a gateway, the MAX! Radiator Thermostat
can only be used in manual mode; it cannot be
switched to automatic operation.
The MAX! Radiator Thermostat can only be taught-
in on one gateway (e.g. the MAX! Cube).
If the MAX! Radiator Thermostat has already been
configured with a wall thermostat, a factory reset
must be performed prior to teaching-in for the first
time on a MAX! LAN Gateway (see Section 8).
) is displayed, along