Using the T50
Getting Ready for Takeoff
A. Place the aircraft on open, flat ground with the rear of the aircraft facing toward you.
B. Make sure that the propellers are securely mounted, there are no foreign objects in or on the
motors and propellers, the propeller blades and arms are unfolded, and the arm locks are firmly
C. Make sure that the spray tank and flight battery are firmly in place.
D. Power on the remote controller, make sure that the DJI
the aircraft. Go to the home screen in the app and tap Start to enter Operation View. Make sure
that there is a strong signal (the GNSS icon or RTK icon on upper right corner of screen is white).
Otherwise, the aircraft cannot take off.
RTK positioning is recommended. In the app, go to Operation View, tap
receiving RTK signals.
DJI Cellular Dongle is recommended for internet connection. In the app, go to Operation View, tap
Network Diagnostics. The cellular dongle and SIM card are functioning properly if the status of all the devices in
the network chain are displayed in green.
Starting Operations
Users can perform mapping operations in the operating area using the DJI Agras app and receive an
HD map via offline reconstruction using the remote controller, then plan a field on the HD map for
Route operations. DJI Agras provides multiple methods to add points. The following description uses
Route Mapping and Crosshair as an example.
DJI Agras
Power on the remote
controller and then the
aircraft. Enter Operation
View in the DJI Agras app.
Drag the map and tap
Add to add a point at the
crosshair position. Tap
to save.
in the middle of
the right screen to select
Tap the mode button on the
upper left and select Route
Mapping on the Mapping
p a n e l i n t h e t a s k m o d e
selection screen.
and move the slider
t o t a k e o f f . T h e a i r c r a f t
will perform the mapping
operation along the route
Drag the map and tap Add
to add a point on the map.
app is open, and then power on
and then RTK to select a method for
on the right screen,
select Area Route or
Boundary Route, then tap
and select Crosshair.
Wait for the reconstruction
t o b e c o m p l e t e d . T a p
P l a n F i e l d t o p e r f o r m
S e t r o u t e p a r a m e t e r s ,
to adjust the flight
direction of the route, and
to save.
and select