Flying Tips and Repairs
Always choose a wide-open space for flying your ParkZone
F4F Wildcat. It is ideal for you to fly at a flying field. If you are
not flying at an approved site, always avoid flying near houses,
trees, wires and buildings. You should also be careful to avoid
flying in areas where there are many people, such as busy parks,
schoolyards, or soccer fields. Always follow local ordinances. We
recommend only flying your F4F Wildcat in light winds.
Thanks to the F4F Wildcat's Z-foam™ construction, repairs to
the foam can be made using virtually any adhesive (hot glue,
regular CA, epoxy, etc). When parts are not repairable, see the
Replacement Parts and Optional Parts List.
Stand here
Low Voltage Cutoff (LVC)
While it is possible to continue flying the aircraft after the soft LVC occurs, this is NOT recommended. Battery discharge after LVC
will damage the Li-Po battery, resulting in less power and shorter flight duration during subsequent flights, or complete failure
of the battery.
Discharging the battery after low voltage cutoff may result in loss of control. Battery power may drop below the receiver's
minimum operating voltage so flight controls do not respond to the transmitter.
Stay aware of the power level of the battery/aircraft throughout the flight, and when the aircraft requires more throttle than
typical, immediately land the F4F Wildcat.
Note: Battery performance is reduced in cooler temperatures. It is recommended the batteries are warm before flight.
CAUTION: ALWAYS disconnect the battery from the aircraft when not in use to prevent trickle discharge of the
battery. These batteries require regular maintenance to keep them at a usable charge level.
It is advisable to have a helper for the first few hand launches.
Hold the airplane behind the wing with the throwing hand and
support the nose with the opposite hand. Run the motor up to
full throttle and give a FIRM throw straight ahead. Launch the
aircraft firmly and directly into the wind with the nose up 5–10
degrees. DO NOT throw with the nose down.
If landing on grass, use the same approach as if flying an aircraft
with landing gear. Start your flare with the power off about
1 foot above the ground and hold the nose off until the tail
touches down. Try to keep the wings level to prevent grabbing
a wing and turning the aircraft sideways.
Fly in this area
(upwind of pilot)