Uphill Driving
Use the low gear ( L ) for uphill driving. Due to its configuration, this vehicle has very good traction even while
climbing, so much so that tip-over is possible before traction is lost. For example, it is common to encounter
terrain situations where the top of the hill has eroded to a point that the hill peak rises very sharply. This
vehicle is not designed to negotiate such a condition� Take an alternate route�
If you feel that the slope is getting too steep to climb, apply the brakes to immobilize the vehicle. Put the shift
lever in reverse ( R ) , and back straight down the hill, barely releasing brakes to remain at low speed. Do not
attempt to turn around. Never coast downhill while the vehicle is in neutral. Do not perform hard braking, as it
increases the risk of tip-over.
Downhill Driving
This vehicle can climb steeper slopes than it can descend safely. Therefore, it is essential to assure that a
safe route exists to descend a slope before you climb it. Decelerating while negotiating a slippery downhill
slope could "toboggan" the vehicle, causing it to slide. Maintain steady speed and/or accelerate slightly to
regain control. Never slam the brakes and lock the wheels.