q w
1. Locknut
1. Contre-écrou
1. Contratuerca
2 Adjuster
2. Dispositif de réglage
2. Ajustador
Speed limiter
For riders inexperienced with this model, this
model is equipped with a speed limiter in the
throttle lever housing. The speed limiter limits
the power and top speed of the ATV. Turning
the screw in decreases top speed, and turning it
out increases top speed. This model also has an
air intake restrictor plate to limit the amount of
engine power available.
Yamaha recommends that all beginners start off
with the speed limiter turned in and the air intake
restrictor plate installed to limit the amount of
speed available while they learn. The limiter
may be gradually adjusted to increase maximum
speed as the beginner becomes more familiar
with operating the ATV. Parents should decide
when to adjust the ATV for more power as their
youngster's riding skills improve. Once the ATV
rider can operate with skill at the top speed per-
mitted by adjusting the speed limiter alone, the
air intake restrictor plate can be removed. Since
removal of this plate will result in a significant
increase in power, turn the speed limiter com-
pletely back in again; adjust it out in stages as
you did before.
Adjusting for maximum throttle lever movement
without removing the air intake restrictor plate will
cause the engine to run roughly at higher speeds.