Outdoor tracks are subjected to other far more severe
conditions than those of indoor layouts which are pro-
tected from the elements. Fine dust in the atmosphere,
combined with dew and the normal relative humidity,
form an insulating film which produces an ever increa-
sed electrical resistance of the current collectors of the
Maintenance of the track layout is therefore primilarily
concentrated on the cleanliness of the rail surfaces.
Rail Cleaning Unit for automatic rail cleaning during
This practical cleaning unit, which is especially suited to
open-air layouts, can be fitted to the underside of all 300
mm long, twin-axle wagons by means of the two screws
which are enclosed. It is preferable to select a wagon
which can be additionally loaded.
Two sprung loaded polishing pads are pressed against
the rail surfaces during train operation.
Mounting instructions
Fig. 1: Shows how the polishing blocks are stuck with
regular adhesive to the sprung loaded collector shoes.
Fig. 2: Remove the air tank and the strut frame construc-
tion from the underside of the wagon.
Fig. 3: In the underside of all 300 mm long, twin-axle
wagons, the mounting holes for the cleaning unit are
already prepared.
Proven Cleaning and Operating Practices
Fig. 4: The wagon with the polishing blocks fitted is
placed before the locomotive so that it can be supplied
with voltage from the rails which have already been
cleaned. It is preferable to load the cleaning unit wagon
with a ballast.