Note: the bowsprit is removable for ease of transport.
The stem cladding pieces 11.1 should be glued in place
using ST-E - Fig. 127.
Glue the cross-piece 11.2 and the tip cladding 11.3 in place
- Fig. 128.
Trim the beech bowsprit component 11.4 to the cross-sec-
tion drawn in Fig. 129. Cut off the 18 mm long piece "A"
and glue it to the support block 11.5.
Place this assembly between the winch bollards - Fig. 130
Fit the bowsprit 11.6 on the bowsprit component 11.4, and
arrange the parts as shown in Fig. 131. Sand the top of the
stem to the rounded and flat shapes shown in Fig. 128,
and check that the bowsprit is a snug fit: it should rest on
the block and the tip of the stem. There should be a little
clearance between the bowsprit component and the sup-
port surface at the stem.
Remove the tubular bowsprit 11.6 and drill a 2.6 mm Ø
hole vertically through the stem as shown in Fig. 132.
Fit the tubular bowsprit again and continue the 2.6 mm Ø
hole into one side of it - Fig. 133.
Drill out the hole in the tube to 3.3 mm Ø. Fit the rivet nut
11.7 in the hole, fit the screw 11.8 to hold it in place tem-
porarily and secure the nut with a drop of cyano - Fig. 134.
Countersink the holes in the stem as shown in Fig. 135.
Assemble the bowsprit again, place it on the stem and fit
the retaining screw - see Fig. 131. Mark a line across the
transition between the wood and aluminium parts to pre-
vent incorrect alignment later. Drill a 1.5 mm Ø hole for the
bell bracket as shown in Fig. 130.
Glue the two parts of the bowsprit together, aligning them
at the marked point. Trim the plug 11.9 to fit, glue it in place
and sand it back flush with the end of the tube.
Drill out the block 11.5 to 2 mm Ø and insert the sleeve
11.10 in the hole.
Sand bevels in the bell bracket 11.11, and solder together
the bell 11.12 and the assembled split pins 11.13.
Solder together the strips which make up the bell strap
11.14 and drill a central 2 mm Ø hole in it. Fit the bell
bracket and strap through the bowsprit into the sleeve and
solder the joints.
Bend the strap to follow the cross-section of the wooden
bowsprit component, and drill 1 mm Ø holes in either side.
The assembly is fixed in place using the small nails 11.15,
but not until you have painted the model - Fig. 136.
Making the jib boom
The jib boom is based on one of the thin-wall GRP tubes
Remove rough edges from the inside of the brass ring
11.16 and push it onto the tapered jib boom 11.17; it will be
All manuals and user guides at
Assembly instructions
a tight fit. Cut the jib boom to the stated length using a fine
fretsaw - 35 mm beyond the ring at the thinner end. Apply
a drop of SP-EX to the cut GRP edge to prevent it fraying.
Drill a 2 mm Ø hole in the ring and fit the tubular rivet 11.18
in the hole. Shorten the rivet and carefully splay the end. A
0.8 mm Ø braided steel wire will pass through this rivet
Fit the forward ring 11.19 on the jib boom as shown in Fig.
137, drill it off-centre and fit the 2 mm Ø rivet 11.18 in the
hole. Drill the vertical 1.2 mm Ø holes and the three 1.5
mm Ø cross-holes in the ring as shown. Shorten the split
pins 11.20 and open them up as far as possible. Apply a
few drops of 5-minute epoxy to the tip, wrap a strip of tape
round it to hold it closed, and set the jib boom upright while
the glue hardens - Fig. 138.
Make a lengthwise saw-cut in the remaining brass rings
11.21 and 11.22 and open them up so that they can easily
be pushed into the marked positions. Solder the rings
11.21 and 11.23 together to form a double ring which can
be rotated easily into the correct position.
Make the strap 11.24 from two pieces of brass strip and
drill the holes as shown. Solder the strap to the ring 11.22.
Fit the jib boom on the bowsprit using the double ring. Lay
the square section in its final position before drilling the
ring 11.23 and the bowsprit. The jib boom is installed offset
to the left as shown in Fig. 139. Drill a 2.2 mm Ø hole
through the ring - Fig. 139. Fit a split pin 11.25 in the hole
temporarily, then drill a further 1.2 mm Ø hole vertically
behind the split pin; see also Fig. 241.
Place the bowsprit on the model. Align the jib boom as
shown in Fig. 140, so that its tip is in line with the boat's
centreline. (Note: in the photo the bulwark has already
been installed).
Mark the position of the holes in the strap on the bowsprit.
Remove the assembly and drill the holes 1.6 mm Ø, then
screw the strap in place using the self-tapping screws
11.26. Drill an additional 1.2 mm Ø blind hole about 3 mm
aft of the ring as shown in Fig. 139; take care not to drill
right through.
Install this assembly again and rotate the jib boom so that
the split pins in the tip of the bow are horizontal. Glue the
jib boom to the rings 11.21 and 11.22 in this position. When
the glue has set hard dismantle the parts as far as possi-
ble and prepare them for painting.
Mark a line all round the perimeter of the deck 10 mm insi-
de the outer planking strake.
The bow area is simply rounded off; carefully cut off the
projecting material with a fretsaw and sand it back neatly
as far as the marked line - Fig. 141: in the illustration the
right-hand edge is finished, the left-hand edge shows the
marked line. The finished edge forms the model's rubbing
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