• Distributes supply voltage to the power rail
• Optional connection of backup supply
• Approved for installation in Ex zone 2 / Div. 2
• Optional redundant supply for the power rail
• Must be installed on power rail, PR type 9400
Application and advanced features
• The power control unit detects errors from any of the modules mounted on
the power rail and transmits a collective alarm to the control system via the
internal status relay.
• Optional connection of two power supplies - a primary supply and a backup
• Redundant supply for the power rail can be obtained by mounting two 9410
modules connected to 2 separate power supplies (e.g. PR 9420).
Technical characteristics
• The status relay will be energised when the following three conditions are met:
1. Supply voltage is present on pin 31 and 32.
2. Backup supply voltage is present on pin 34 and 33. (If the backup supply
is not in use, a jumper must be placed between pins 32 and 33 -
the jumper is delivered with the module).
3. There are no error signals from the modules connected to the power
• When a collective alarm is activated via the power rail, the status relay in the
9410 will be de-energised (pins 11, 12 and 13).
• Two green front LEDs indicate connection of supply and backup.
• A red LED indicates error status.
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
9410 - Product Version 9410-001