VLAN tag: 22
Port Set: Port Set_2 with these interfaces: eth4 eth5, Framesize: 1500
Encryption Links:
Bonding Mode: 4 (Link Aggregate Control Protocol (LACP) Bonding)
Network: subnet_3
IP Addresses: 2001:DB8::10
Netmask/Prefix: 64
Domain Name: manuf.mycompany.net
Gateway: 2001:DB8::100
VLAN tag: 23
Port Set: Port Set_2 with these interfaces: eth4 eth5, Framesize: 1500
Encryption Links:
Bonding Mode: 4 (Link Aggregate Control Protocol (LACP) Bonding)
Network: subnet_4
IP Addresses:
Domain Name: uk.mycompany.net
VLAN tag:
Port Set: Port Set_3 with these interfaces: eth2 eth3, Framesize: 1500
Encryption Links:
Bonding Mode: 6 (Active Load Balance Bonding)
The network configuration net_wizard contains a new default subnet.
As a result, the current default subnet and target default subnet network interfaces will be reset,
resulting in a temporary outage on these network connections.
Validation succeeded
Is this configuration correct?
1 = Yes (default)
2 = No
<--Finish Wizard: Yes
*Step Complete* Do you want to :
1 = Finish wizard and apply settings
2 = Go back to previous step: Step 2)
3 = Go back to start of present step: Step 3)
4 = Quit wizard and lose all settings
<--Navigation: Finish wizard and apply settings
Successfully saved network configuration as: net_wizard
Application of the network configuration is now in progress.
This process may take some time to complete.
You can check on its status with the following command:
net activate status
You have successfully configured the network settings
on your StoreOnce Appliance.
les paramètres soient activés. Après avoir terminé l'assistant, utilisez la commande CLI de
StoreOnce suivante pour vérifier la progression :
net activate status
et des commandes individuelles de la CLI de StoreOnce, consultez également
mise en réseau (page
Modification de la configuration réseau actuelle
en cours.
Configuration réseau, comment utiliser les commandes CLI de StoreOnce
Si la configuration réseau est complexe, il faut parfois un peu de temps pour que
Pour obtenir d'autres exemples de configuration du réseau à l'aide de l'assistant
Il n'est pas possible d'activer une nouvelle configuration si l'ajout de stockage est
Autres exemples de