Network: public_v6
IP Addresses: fcda:cd45:5ab0:862::92
Netmask/Prefix: 64
Domain Name: mydomain.com
Gateway: fcda:cd45:5ab0:862::0
Default Network: yes
VLAN tag:
Port Set: Port Set_2 with these interfaces: eth1, Framesize: 3000
Encryption Links:
Bonding Mode: Not applicable
Command Successful
# net activate config dual_Port_Set
The network configuration dual_Port_Set contains a new default subnet.
As a result all network interfaces will be reset, resulting in a temporary outage of all management and data
network connections.
Do you wish to continue ?
Network activation in progress.
Use the 'net activate status' command to check for completion.
Command Successful
# net activate status
Activation started on 13/08/2014 at 09:31:21+0000 completed successfully on 13/08/2014 at 09:31:27+0000
Total running time was 00:00:06.026
Command Succeeded
# net show status all
Subnet Status Overview
Subnet HPDA3DE52E99 public_v6 status: up
Subnet HPDA3DE52E99 public_v4 status: up
Node Name: HPDA3DE52E99
Default Domain Name: mydomain.com mydomain.com
Default Gateway: fcda:cd45:5ab0:862::0
Default Subnet: public_v6 public_v4
DNS: fcda:cd45:5ab0:862::99
Subnet: public_v6
Status: up
IP Address: fcda:cd45:5ab0:862::92
Netmask/Prefix: 64
Domain Name: mydomain.com
Gateway: fcda:cd45:5ab0:862::0
Mac Address: 00:50:56:9A:56:E7
Interface: eth1
Bonding mode: Not applicable
VLAN tag: Not used
Connection Speed: 1 Gig
Framesize: 3000
Subnet: public_v4
Status: up
IP Address:
Domain Name: mydomain.com
Mac Address: 00:50:56:9A:79:12
Interface: eth0
Bonding mode: Not applicable
VLAN tag: Not used
Connection Speed: 1 Gig
Framesize: 6000
Command Successful
Exemple 2
Cet exemple décrit la façon de créer deux sous-réseaux sur les mêmes interfaces réseau. Il configure
les adresses IPv6 statiques et IPv4 statiques sur l'interface eth0. Il n'y a aucune modification de la
taille de trame par défaut de 1 500.
(y / n)y
Exemple 2
1 19