Alarms are events or conditions that may require the TriStar MPPT 150V to modify operation. Alarms
are commonly used to alert the user that the controller is nearing a specific voltage,
temperature limit. Alarm conditions are only displayed on the TriStar Meter.
Solar Overload
The TriStar MPPT 150V will limit battery current to the Maximum Battery Current rating. An over-sized
solar array will not operate at peak power. The solar array should be less than the TriStar MPPT 150V
Nominal Maximum Input Power rating for optimal performance. For more information see the Nomi-
nal Maximum Input Power asterisk on p. 63.
Solar Short Circuit
The TriStar MPPT 150V will disconnect the solar input if a short circuit is detected in the solar wiring.
Charging automatically resumes when the short is cleared. No LED indication.
High Input Voltage Current Limit
The TriStar MPPT 150V will limit the solar input current as the solar array Voc approaches the maxi-
mum input voltge rating. The array Voc should never exceed the 150 volt maximum input voltage -
see the array voltage de-rating graph in Appendix.
Very Low Battery Voltage
If battery discharges below ~7 Volts the controller will go into brownout and shut down. When the
battery voltage rises above the 8 Volt minimum operating voltage, the controller will restart.
Remote Temperature Sensor Failure (G - R sequencing, with constant yellow)
If a fault in the RTS (such as a short circuit, open circuit, loose terminal) occurs after the RTS has
been working, the LEDs will indicate a failure. However, if the controller is restarted with a failed RTS,
the controller may not detect that the RTS is connected, and the LEDs will not indicate a problem. A
TriStar meter or the PC software can be used to determine if an RTS is detected and working prop-
Battery Voltage Sense Failure (G - R sequencing, with constant yellow)
If a fault in the battery sense connection (such as a short circuit, open circuit or loose terminal) occurs
after the battery sense has been working, the LEDs will indicate a failure. If the controller is restarted
with the failure still present, the controller may not detect that the battery sense is connected and the
LEDs will not indicate a fault. A TriStar meter or the PC software can be used to determine if the bat-
tery sense is working properly.
current, or
Battery Over-Current (R / Y - G)
While rare, if battery charging current exceeds approximately 130% of the controller's output current
rating, this fault can occur. The fault is generally related to fast, large battery voltage transients
(connecting a very heavy or capacitive load like an inverter) that are faster than the controller can
regulate and it shuts off to protect the circuitry. The controller will automatically re-start in 10
Settings (DIP) Switch Changed (R-Y-G sequencing)
If a settings switch is changed while there is power to the controller, the LEDs will begin sequenc-
ing and the solar input will disconnect. The controller must be re-started to clear the fault and begin
operation with the new settings.
Battery High Voltage Disconnect (G-R sequencing)
This fault is set when battery voltage is above normal operating limits. The controller will disconnect
the solar input and set a High Voltage Disconnect fault. This fault is commonly caused by other charg-
ing sources in the system charging the battery above the TriStar MPPT 150V regulation voltage.
When the battery voltage returns to normal levels, the fault will automatically clear.
Custom Settings Edit (R -Y- G sequencing)
A value has been modified in custom settings memory. The controller will stop charging and indicate
a fault condition. After all settings have been modified, the controller must be reset by removing and
then restoring power to the controller. The new programmed settings will be used after the power
Firmware Update Failure
The firmware update was not successfully programmed. The controller will not indicate the full pow-
er-up LED sequence of G - Y - R when power to the controller is reset. Instead, the controller will
display green and then stop on yellow. The yellow LED will continue to be lit and the
not complete start up or begin charging. Retry the firmware update. The firmware must be success-
fully loaded before the controller will start up.
High Temperature Current Limit
The TriStar MPPT 150V will limit the solar input current if the heatsink temperature exceeds safe
limits. Solar charge current will be tapered back (to 0 amps if needed) to reduce the heatsink tem-
perature. The TriStar MPPT 150V is designed to operate at full rated current at the maximum ambient
temperature. This alarm indicates that there is insufficient airflow and that the heatsink temperature
is approaching unsafe limits. If the controller frequently reports this alarm condition, corrective action
must be taken to provide better air flow or to relocate the controller to a cooler spot.
High Input Voltage Current Limit
The TriStar MPPT 150V will limit the solar input current as the solar array Voc approaches the maxi-
mum input voltage rating. The array Voc should never exceed the 150 Volt maximum input voltage.
See the array voltage derating graph in Section 8.0.
Current Limit
The array power exceeds the rating of the controller. This alarm indicates that the TriStar MPPT 150V
TriStar MPPT Operator's Manual
controller will