IR3200 / English Instruction Manual
Set the time manually or automatically update, time format, time zone and daylight.
You may change the backlight of each environment (Normal or standby).
Change it as your preference.
A factory reset resets all user settings to default values, so that time and date, network
configuration and presets are lost. However, the IR3200 's current software version is
maintained, as is registration with the Internet radio portal. Internet radio favourites therefore
remain unless you re-register your IR3200 with another account on the portal website.
From time to time, software upgrades may be created with bug fixes and/or additional features.
You can either check manually or set IR3200 to check periodically automatically (this is the
default). If newer available software is detected, you will be asked if you want to go ahead with
an update. If you agree, the new software is then downloaded and installed. After a software
upgrade, all user settings are maintained.
NOTE: Before starting a software upgrade, ensure that IR3200 is plugged into a stable main
power connection. Disconnecting power during an upgrade may permanently damage the unit.
View the firmware version and the radio ID.