7.3 Display background illumination
After having switched on your balance and the zero display, press the „MODE" button to select the menu
point „Backlight". Acknowledge by pressing the „YES" button in order to switch on the permanent back-
ground illumination. By pressing the „NO" button, the background illumination is switched off.
If the background illumination shall be switched off time-controlled (to save the battery), press the „MODE"
button to select the menu point „Backlight auto" and confirm by pressing the „YES" button. The background
illumination will be switched off automatically 10 sec after having reached a stable weighing value.
7.4 Interface RS 232 C
Technical Data
8-bit ASCII Code
1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bits, no parity bit
Baud rate adjustable to 2400, 4800 and 9600 baud (default), 19200 baud
Sup-D- 9 pol. is necessary .
When working with an interface correct operation is secured only if the corresponding KERN-interface-
cable (max. 2m) is used.
Description of the jack
Sup-D- 9 pol.
The Baud rate for the data transfer is adjusted with the MODE-key. The following example demonstrates
how to set the Baud rate 4800.
Select Baud rate
1. Press MODE-key repeatedly until "PRINTER" is displayed.
2. Press YES-key.
3. Press MODE-key repeatedly until the desired Baud rate appears (for
instance 4800 Baud).
4. Press YES-key to select 4800 Baud. The tick-mark (X) confirms the new
5. Press MODE-key repeatedly until the balance displays in grams again,
or press tare key.
Pin 2:
Pin 3:
Pin 5:
Transmit data
Receive data
Signal ground
2400 Baud
4800 Baud
4800 Baud X
0,0 g