Before using your TOPRO Troja 2G
• Intended use: The TOPRO Troja 2G shall give support to users with
reduced balance and/or reduced walking ability. It is designed to be
pushed, not pulled. The integrated seat provides an opportunity for the
user to rest if needed. The basket is designed for carrying items weig-
hing up to a total of 10 kg. The intended user is an adult. Height and
weight restrictions apply, see table on page 19.
Contraindications: The product is not suitable for persons with low
strength in arms, with very poor balance, or with considerable cognitive
disabilities. The product is designed and approved for both indoor and
outdoor use. Outdoor the rollator is intended to be an aid for walking on
roads and paths. It is not suitable in rough and/or steep terrain or steep
inclinations, for example stairs.
• Take care not to get your fi ngers trapped when folding or unfolding your
• Do not put your fi ngers in open holes or between stationary parts.
• Before each use, check that your brakes are functioning correctly. Also
check that your rollator locks into its unfolded position (you should hear
a "click") and the handles have been fastened properly.
• Always use both brake handles at the same time. This applies both to
the driving brake and the parking brake. Before sitting down on the seat,
make sure both parking brakes have been applied.
• The TOPRO Troja 2G should never be pushed while the parking brakes
are on, or while the driving brakes are continuously applied.
• TOPRO Troja 2G has a maximum user weight of 150 kg (M) / 125 kg (S).
It must not be used for the transportation of heavy goods or persons.
• For your own safety: Do not bend backwards or over to the sides when
you are sitting on the seat. Do not tilt the rollator more than max 5o
sideways to avoid risk of falling. Due to the same reason bags etc. must
never be hung on the handlebars.
• Make children aware that the TOPRO Troja 2G rollator is not a toy.
• If the rollator is exposed to extreme temperatures, some parts may feel
very cold or very hot.
• Do not wear very long or wide, fl owing garments as they may get caught
in the wheels of the rollator and be a potential hazard.
• For safety reasons it is prohibited to sit on the rollator during public
transportation. Place your rollator securely. Use the parking brake.
• Do not use the rollator on stairs. Be careful when descending kerbs.
• Be aware that the rollator may roll faster than you walking downhill,
which may put you in risk of falling.
• A training by a skilled person is advised, to get to know the device and
learn how to use it correctly.
• Do not alter the product as this might put your safety at risk and the
guarantee will not be valid.
After reading the notes above you may be wondering
how to use your new TOPRO Troja 2G in a safe, ergonomic
and comfortable way.
In order to ensure that the TOPRO Troja 2G is a good and safe aid for
you, it is important that you keep the rollator close to your body. This is
the best way to ensure good support while you are walking, and it
will make it easier to get
back up if you should have the
misfortune of falling. Walking
upright with your eyes gazing
steadily forward will help you
keep your balance.
It is important that the height
of handles are adjusted to
best suit you. Please read
point C on page 15 carefully
to learn about handle adjust-
ment. If you experience prob-
lems adjusting your rollator
handles, please contact your
dealer or physical therapist.
TOPRO TROJA is guaranteed free
of faults and defects for a period of
7 years. Our guarantee excludes
damage caused by incorrect operation,
accidents or through normal wear and
tear (e.g. brake blocks, brake wires,
wheels, seat, handgrips, basket and
grips etc).
For repairs during the guarantee peri-
od, please contact your local mobility
shop or dealer. The guarantee is
void if unauthorised spare parts and
accessories have been or are being
used on the product.
Expected lifespan
of the product
The expected life span of the product
is estimated to be 10 years, provided
that it is used in the correct manner
according to this user manual and its
safety and maintenance instructions.
Security and comfort
Where you fi nd the symbols below,
there is a special notice about the
security or comfort of the product.
Symbols on the
TOPRO Troja 2G
Maximum user weight
Max 150kg
Max 610mm
Maximum rollator width
Max 150kg
Max 610mm
Max 1035mm
Maximum rollator height
Max 150kg
Max 610mm
Max 1035mm
A separate label on the tube indicates
the serial number (SN) and production
year and month.
Max 1035mm