STEP 3: Disinfection Instructions:
- Saturate a clean, lint-free cloth with a suitable disinfecting agent (e.g., 1: 5 chlorine bleach [5.25%] and
water solution) and wipe the exterior of the device.
NOTE : Ensure that the device remains visibly wet for ten minutes, with the solution reaching all crevices and
hard-to-reach areas.
WARNING: Do not wet the area of the oxygen inlet connection, the disinfectant residue may create a risk of fire.
Do not submerge the conserver in the disinfectant, wipe disinfect only.
STEP 4: Allow all parts to dry completely before checking for proper operation.
STEP 5 : Check the oxygen conserver for proper operation :
• Press and hold the Selector Button and ensure that each pulse setting can be selected and that each
Dosage LED illuminates.
• Attach device.
• Ensure pressure gauge is working.
• Ensure CF flow is working.
• Set device to each setting, and verify that oxygen pulses.
If the device is operating properly, it is ready to be used by another patient. If the device is not operating properly, the
provider should return the device to Drive Medical for service.
NOTE : There is no portion of the gas pathways through the conserver that could be contaminated with
body fluids or expired gas under normal or single fault conditions.