6. Install Hitch and Bumper beam - NOTE: Apply blue thread locker to all fasteners. Raise the hitch into position, inserting the tabs into the frame rail. Fish wire 7/16"
carriage bolts ①and spacers ② into place through the hole in the side plate and out the bottom of the frame rail, attach 7/16 flat washers ③ , lock washers ④, and
nuts ⑤onto the carriage bolts See Figure 1. Install the bumper over the hitch, loosely install (2) M10 nuts ⑨ and 3/8" conical washers (teeth side toward hitch) ⑧
onto the studs, and (4) M10 hex bolts ⑦ and 3/8"conical washers ⑧ into weld nuts in end panel.
7. Tighten all M10-1.25 CL8.8 fasteners with torque wrench to 42 Lb.-Ft. (57 N*M) and 7/16-14 fasteners to 50 Lb-ft. (68 N*M)