Safe rim locks
Proper and correct installation of the safe to be embedded is essential for the security of the product.
Before embedding, the safe's correct functioning must be checked by carrying out door opening and closing tests (see the
set of operating instructions).
The safe must be installed with the door opening from left to right (except for left-sided opening models). It must never be
installed turned around, or be placed on the floor. The guarantee cover is invalid if these conditions are not complied with.
The safe must be installed maintaining a 2-cm gap towards the inside of the wall In which it is being installed.
1. It is advisable to position the safe in places where access
with large size tools such as picks, hammers, cudgels
and spikes etc., but where access to the door is easy for
the user.
2. The safe has two holes available for affixing at its base
and in the back wall.
3. Affix the safe with fasteners (cleats and metallic screws)
those supplied are intended for concrete. The installation
surface must be as big as the safe base and be at least
105 mm in thickness. The wall or floor must be solid
enough to resist a traction force of 30kN.
4. Place the safe in the position in which it is to be installed.
Where possible, it is advisable to affix to the wall and the
floor. Check that the installation site is free of lighting
tubes, water and gas pipes or any other type of facility.
5. Mark the position of the screws on the wall/ floor.
6. Remove the safe and make drills holes according to
the type of affixing to be carried out, for the supplied
examples it must be in a diameter of 10 by 80 mm
7. Place the safe in the position indicated, put in the screws
and tighten with a suitable key.
Security Warning:
During the safe's installation and assembly procedures it is
recommended to use personal protection devices (gloves,
glasses...) suitable to use together with the appropriate
means of handling and lifting based on the weight of the
products in question.
Affix to the floor with metallic
cleats M10x80 Grade 6.8
Washer dimensions, external
diameter 40, internal diameter
10, thickness 3mm
The dimensions for the
installation base must be
at least the size of the new
dimensions of the safe's base.
The floor base should be at
least 300KG CM2