• Save the programmed values by press-
ing the STOP key, then press the START
key to begin the treatment.
This is what happens:
Abduction / adduc tion is treated ten times
first (motor A). Motor B is positioned at
25% of the programmed range of motion
for internal and external rotation.
Subsequently, internal / external rotation
is treated ten times (motor B). Motor A
is positioned at 75% of the programmed
range of motion for adduction and
The percentage values can be modi-
fied only when the special function is
enabled (check mark).
n Therapy documentation
This is a special function of
ARTROMOT®-S Comfort which allows
the entire therapy documentation to be
The carriage run times as well as the
range of motion of the sessions are
The collected data are presented
graphically in the form of a coordinate
system (X-axis = range of motion /
Y-axis = time) where the upper curve
illustrates the trend of the abduction
movement and the lower curve the
trend of the adduction movement.
n Therapy documentation
internal / external rotation
This is a special function of
ARTROMOT®-S Comfort which allows
the entire therapy documentation to be
The carriage run times as well as the
range of motion of the sessions are
The collected data are presented graph-
ically in the form of a coordinate system
(X-axis = range of motion / Y-axis =
time) where the upper curve illustrates
the trend of the external rotation move-
ment and the lower curve the trend of
the internal rotation movement.
n Oscillation
The „oscillation" function permits a
more e cient therapy in the last 10°
before the maximum abduction and ad-
duction values are reached.
For this exercise, the carriage begins
at the starting position (maximum ad-
duction, halfway between internal and
external rotation). First of all the car-
riage moves to the maximum internal
rotation position. Then it will move to
the maximum abduction position, at the
same time as the maximum external
rotation value.
When the abduction/external rotation
value has been reached, the carriage
reverses 10° toward adduction/internal
rotation and then moves back again
to the abduction/external rotation
The movement through the final 10° is
repeated five times at a slow speed.
At the end of the cycle, the carriage will
again move to the maximum adduction
position, at the same time as the maxi-
mum internal rotation value, and then
starts another cycle with five repeti-
tions through the last 10° of abduction/
external rotation.
This sequence can be repeated as often
as needed. You can stop treatment
with the STOP key; after the pro-
grammed therapy duration, it will stop
Default: disabled