Cursor buttons
Use the cursor buttons to select the desired function, or to change the function settings.
Using the functions
1. Radio function (E-Max functions only)
Select the icon and push the OK button to turn the radio on/off.
The radio function menu item has 3 sublevels. You can choose between them by shortly pushing the power button.
Frequency; Volume (1-20 vol.); Channel (1-18 ch.)
Frequency menu item settings:
After activating the radio function, you can access the frequency settings by shortly pushing the power button
once. Use the left (lower) and right (higher) cursor buttons to adjust the frequency.
Volume menu item settings:
After activating the radio function, you can access the volume settings by shortly pushing the power button
twice. Use the left (lower) and right (higher) cursor buttons to adjust the volume. You can adjust the volume
within the 1 - 20 range.
Channel menu item settings:
After activating the radio function, you can access the channel settings by shortly pushing the power button three
times. Use the left (down) and right (up) cursor buttons to switch between the channels.
Saving to memory:
After activating the radio function, shortly push the power button four times. The channel number will start
flashing. Use the left (down) and right (up) cursor buttons to switch between the channels (1-18). After selecting
the channel, save the set frequency by pushing the OK button.
2. Ozone function (E-Max and E-Multimedia functions only)
Use the cursor to select the ozone generator icon. Push the OK button to activate the system. The system will run
for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes have passed, the system automatically shuts down. You can manually disable
the system at any time by pushing the OK button.
The molecules produced by the ozone generator disinfect the water in the bathtub.
3. Lighting function
Press the OK button to activate the cursor. The cursor will start flashing. Move the cursor to the lighting icon and
press the OK button. Pushing the button multiple times adjusts the color. After reaching the end of the color options,
pushing the button turns off the lighting. If you would like to turn the lights back on, push the OK button again.
4. Hydro massage function
If the bathtub is already filled with water, at least to the minimal level dictated by the water level detector, you
can start the massage engine by using the cursor buttons to select the function and pushing the OK button.
Press the OK button again to turn the massage function off.
For security reasons, the function is automatically turned off after 15 minutes of operation. If you would like to
continue using the function, push the button again to switch it on.
Turning the air-enrichment valve located on the flange of the bathtub will boost the massage function by letting
more air into the system.
5. Water heating function
This function is only accessible when the massage function is on.