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Classe CDP-100 Manuel Du Propriétaire page 17


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(previous) will move backward through the tracks (or the playlist, if you
have created one), one track at a time. As with most CD players, the single
exception to this is the first time you press the
beginning of the track currently playing. Pressing the
approximately one second will then take you to the previous track.
(next) will move forward through the tracks (or the playlist, if you have
created one), one track at a time.
System Controls
The CDP-100 remote control also can control user-defined functions as well as
the volume and mute functions on a Classé system.
• F1/F2/F3/F4 keys are available for controlling aspects of the CDP-100 not
covered by the other buttons on the remote control. You are able to choose
what the CDP-100 should do in response to receiving the infrared signal that
a particular "Fkey" has been pressed. The list of possible functions is quite
extensive, and is found in the menu system (see the section The Menu System,
the next section in this manual). For example, if you are using one of the DC
triggers on your CDP-100, you can toggle its state manually using one of the
The Fkeys on all Classé remote controls issue the same infrared
commands. This saves you from having to be sure you have grabbed
the proper remote, since all your Classé remotes will perform the
same function for each Fkey.
• Volume Up, Volume Down, Mute are designed to send commands to a
Classé preamplifier or integrated amplifier you may also have in the system.
key, which will take to the
key again within


