ADF approved according to DIN EN 379:
(Legend: 4 = bright state, 9–13 = dark state, CMC =
manufacturer code , number 1 = optical class,
number 2 = scattered light grade, number 3 = homo-
geneity class, number 4 = angle dependency class,
379 = test standard, CE = CE symbol)
Welding helmet case
Manufacturer identification ................... XYZ
Number of the standard ........................ EN 175
Area(s) of application (if required) ............S, 9, F, B, W
Mass in grams (if required)
If the symbols F, B and A are not ob-
tained for the viewing panel as well as
the supporting body, the entire eye pro-
tection device is to be conferred with a
lower rating.
Certification body:
DIN CERTCO Gesellschaft für
Konformitätsbewertung mbH
Alboinstrasse 56
12103 Berlin
Notified body number 0196
EU Conformity Declaration
C. M. C. GmbH
Responsible for documentation: Markus Zimmer
Katharina-Loth-Str. 15
66386 St. Ingbert
declare in our sole responsibility the product
Auto-Darkening Welding Helmet
Series number: 1910 / 1911 / 1912
Year of manufacture: 2016 / 15
IAN: 270752
Model: PSH 3 A1
meets the basic safety requirements of European
270752_Schweisshelm Automatik PSH 3 A1_content_FR.indd 27
Label meanings / EU Conformity Declaration
EC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive
2004 / 108 / EC
RoHS Directive
2011 / 65 / EU
Personal Protective Equipment Directive
89 / 686 / EEC
and its amendments.
The conformity assessment is based on the following
harmonised standards:
EN 379:2009-07
EN 175:1997-08
EN 166:2002-04
St. Ingbert, 31.01.2016
Markus Zimmer
- Quality Control Manager -
19.01.16 17:24