(14) EU-Type Examination Certificate No. TÜV 99 ATEX 1496 X issue 02
(15) Description of product
The filling level sensors are used for continuous measurement of liquid levels within potentially explosive
areas. Floaters are used to detect the fluid levels. These slide on a sensor tube. For interface or water
detection, a second float can be mounted on the sensor tube. In addition, the density of the liquid can be
determined by means of a density module. The temperature measuring Chain VISY-Stick ... Temp ... is
used to measure temperatures at different heights and does not use any floats.
The filling level sensors type VISY-Stick ... and type TORRIX Ex ... may also be manufactured according to
the test documents listed in the ATEX test report. The changes affect the internal structure as well as the
change of temperature classes. Furthermore, the equipment was assessed according to the latest
The marking is as follows:
Type TORRIX Ex...
IMG Ex ia IIC T6...T4 Ga
II 1/2 G Ex ia IIC T6...T4 Ga/Gb
II 2 G Ex ia IIC T6...T4 Gb
II 1 D
Ex ia INC T160 °C Da
Type TORRIX Ex ...-A resp. TORRIX Ex ... Flex resp. TORRIX Ex ... PL
IMG Ex ia NB T6...T4 Ga
II 1/2 G
Ex ia NB T6...T4 Ga/Gb
II 2 G Ex ia NB T6...T4 Gb
111 D
Ex ia NIC T160 °C Da
Type VISY-Stick ... resp. VISY-Stick (Flex) Temp resp. TORRIX Ex SC...
Ex ia NC T6...T5 Ga resp.
II 1/2 G
Ex ia NC T6...T4 Ga/Gb
Ex ia NC T6...T4 Gb resp.
111 D
Ex ia NIC T135 °C Da
Type VISY-Stick Advanced ... resp. VISY-Stick ... Flex ... resp.
TORRIX Ex SC...-A resp. TORRIX Ex SC... Flex resp. TORRIX Ex SC... PL
IMG Ex ia NB T6...T5 Ga
II 1/2 G
Ex ia NB T6...T4 Ga/Gb
II 2 G Ex ia NB T6...T4 Gb
111 D
Ex ia NIC T135 °C Da
Type VISY-Stick ... RS485 resp. VISY-Stick (Flex) Temp RS485 resp.
TORRIX Ex C... resp. TORRIX Ex RS485... resp. TORRIX Ex TAG...
Ex ia NC T6...T4 Ga resp.
II 1/2 G
Ex ia NC T6...T4 Ga/Gb
II 2 G
Ex ia NC T6...T4 Gb resp.
111 D
Ex ia NIC T125 °C Da
Type VISY-Stick ... Advanced RS485 resp. VISY-Stick ... Flex RS485 resp.
TORRIX Ex C...-A resp. TORRIX Ex RS485...-A resp. TORRIX Ex TAG...-A resp.
TORRIX Ex C... Flex resp. TORRIX Ex RS485... Flex resp. TORRIX Ex TAG... Flex resp.
TORRIX Ex C... PL resp. TORRIX Ex RS485... PL resp. TORRIX Ex TAG... PL
Ex ia NB T6...T4 Ga resp.
II 1/2 G
Ex ia NB T6...T4 Ga/Gb
II 2 G
Ex ia NB T6...T4 Gb resp.
111 D
Ex ia NIC T125 °C Da
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