Condensation water drainage
Due to humidity in the air combined with
cold surfaces inside the vaccine compart-
ment, it should be expected that conden-
sation will form on the sides of the inner
lining. The condensation will be collected at
the bottom, from where it regularly needs
to be drained. If the bottom of the vaccine
compartment is covered with condensation
water, drainage/drying should be initiated.
Condensation increases if:
● Equipment is opened too frequently.
● Lid not closing properly.
● Lid gasket is defective.
● High level of humidity.
Drainage of condensation water is re-
commended to performed in the morning
between 7am to 9am when the ambient
temperatures are expected to be lowest.
Proceed as follows:
Before condensation drainage vaccines
must be moved to another working ILR or
cold box with conditioned icepacks.
1. Disconnect the power supply by switch-
ing off the ON/OFF power button or
disconnect plug from power socket.
2. Open the drainage plug, placed inside
the vaccine compartment.
3. Place a tray under the condensation
water drain.
4. When all the condensation and water
droplets on the lining has been removed
carefully, clean the inside cabinet, as well
as lid, lid gasket, and outside of the cabi-
net, using water with a mild, perfume-free
detergent. Dry the vaccine compartment
with a soft cloth, and make sure, no
moisture is remaining after cleaning.
5. Reinsert the internal drainage plug, and
check lid gasket is not faulty.
6. Reconnect the power supply by the ON/
OFF power button and/or reconnect
power plug.
7. When appliance has regained required
safe temperatures for storing vaccines
2°- 8 °C, place the vaccines in neat rows
with space.
fig. 16