3.3 Connection of Electrodes
The installation of electrodes is critical for accurate record of ECG signals. Please ensure
electrodes are well-connected. Disposable electrodes cannot be used together with
reusable electrodes (old or new). Different models cannot be used together otherwise it will
seriously affect the accuracy of ECG record. Electrodes or lead wire socket cannot touch
other conductors, such as metal beds. All electrodes need to be replaced together during
3.3.1 Connection of Limb Electrodes
Limb electrodes should be installed on the soft skin of hands and legs. Clean the skin where
electrodes will be installed with medical alcohol; Apply a small amount of electrode gel on the
skin.The connection is shown in the right figure.
American Label
3.3.2 Connection of Chest Electrodes
Clean the skin where electrodes will be connected with alcohol (75%). Apply a small amount
of electrode gelto skin where had been cleaned and the edge of the suction ball of the chest
electrodes. Press the suction balls of the chest electrodes and attach them to C1 to C6.
The connection is shown in the following figure:
C1 (V1): Fourth inter-costal space at right border of the sternum.
C2 (V2): Fourth inter-costal space at left border of the sternum.
C3 (V3): Midpoint between C2 and C4.
C4 (V4): The intersection of the fifth inter-costal space of the left
sternum and the central line of the clavicle.
C5 (V5): Left anterior axillary line on the same horizontal level as V4.
C6 (V6): Left mid-axillary line on the same horizontal level as V4.
Electrode gel coating should to be separated from each other. Chest electrodes should not
touch with each other to avoid short circuit. If no electrode gel is available, apply a small
amount of alcohol (75%) instead. Clean the electrode placement site with alcohol (75%), and
then install the corresponding electrode to ensure that the skin of electrode contact area is
moderately moist. Do not use physiological saline to replace electrode gel. Otherwise, it will
cause electrode corrosion.
European Label
Electrode Placement
N or RF
Right arm
Left arm
Right leg
Left leg