PC-ECG failed to receive file as local
FTP server
How to set ECG file server as the
allowed application of firewall?
How to install the acquisition box
driver manually?
7.2 Common Troubleshooting of ECG Acquisition and Analysis
Software for Android Tablet
Double click the icon of App on the
desktop of the computer but
cannot access the software.
Communication failure between
tablet and USB ECG acquisition box
Computer (or tablet) failed to
match with Bluetooth ECG
acquisition device
What should you do when
Bluetooth transmission acquisition is
interrupted suddenly or the signal is
1. Check whether the FTP server parameters set by the client
are correct.
2. Check whether the folder receiving data exists.
3. Check whether the ECG file service is running normally.
4. Run ECGApp as administrator and keep the software on
during the upload process.
5. Close the firewall or add the ECG file service as the applica-
tion allowed by the firewall.
Right click the computer icon on the desktop → properties →
control panel → system and security → windows firewall →
allow applications or functions to pass through windows
firewall → allow other applications → browse → find the folder
where ECG file server is located and select this program →
open and add.
1. Please turn off anti-virus software or computer Butler and
other similar software before installing the driver.
2. Connect the acquisition box to the USB port of the compu-
ter through the USB cable. Windows will prompt to find the
new hardware and enter the new hardware installation wizard
to search for the driver of the ECG acquisition box.
1. Check the Android system version. The software may not
be compatible with the latest system.
2. Please check whether all authorities in the application au-
thorities of ECG Acquisition and Analysis Software for
Android Tablet are enabled.
1. Check whether the connection between USB cable and tab-
let is loose, unplug and reconnect again.
2. If the data line or OTG line is loose, reconnect it.
3. If the data cable or OTG line is damaged, replace the data
cable or OTG and reconnect again.
4. If the acquisition box is damaged, change it.
5. If the USB port of the tablet is damaged, change the tablet.
1. Check whether the Bluetooth ECG acquisition box is opened
2. Check whether the battery power of Bluetooth ECG col-
lection box is sufficient. If the battery power is insufficient,
replace it with a new battery.
3. Shorten the transmission distance between Bluetooth ECG
acquisition box and computer (or tablet).
4. Check whether the Bluetooth ECG acquisition box is da-
maged. If it is damaged, change it.
5. Change the computer (or tablet).
1. Ensure that the surrounding environment is free of large
electromagnetic interference and other interference of
Bluetooth devices.
2. Replace the battery of the acquisition box.
3. Shorten the transmission distance between Bluetooth ECG
acquisition box and computer (or tablet).