12) With the button Yes it is possible to go to recent
13) To terminate this function, press the button 0 three
times so that a signal will sound after exiting
the menu and the display shows date, time, and
<<< UNSET >>> again.
Meaning of the different indications
27 Jun 19:50
On User 1
The user 1 activated the alarm control system on June
27 at 19h50 (7.50 p.m.).
28 Jun 06:50
Off User 1
The user 1 deactivated the alarm control system on
June 28 at 6.50 a.m.
28 Jun 11:32
On Engineer
The technician activated the alarm control system on
June 28 at 11.32 a.m.
28 Jun 11:50
A l a r m
An alarm was recorded on June 28 at 11.50 a.m. To
display the zone concerned, press the button No:
28 Jun 11:50
Z o n e 3
An alarm occurred in zone 3.
17 Jun 22:09
Mains Flt
The mains supply was interrupted on June 17 at 22h09
(10.09 p.m.).
01 Jan 00:04
W / d o g
The power supplies by the 230 V mains and the
rechargeable battery were interrupted at the same
time. After the power supply is present again, the date
is reset to January 1 and the time to 0.00. In this case
date and time have to be readjusted (chapter 2.2).
All rights reserved by MONACOR
be reproduced in any form or by any means for any commercial use.
One of the contacts in the common sensor anti-tamper
loop was opened on June 5 at 9.18 a.m.
Further possible anti-tamper messages:
Case Tamp
KP Tamper
Bell Tamp
5 Test Mode
In the test mode all alarm sensors can successively be
triggered without response of the siren and the strobe-
1) The alarm control system must be deactivated.
2) Press the button No within 15 seconds, otherwise
3) Press the button Yes. The display must now show:
4) Trigger all sensors successively. The buzzers of
5) To test the siren and the strobelight, press the
6) To switch off the test mode and exit the programm-
Subject to technical modification.
INTERNATIONAL GmbH & Co. KG. No part of this instruction manual may
05 Jun 09:18
tampering action at the alarm control
tampering action at a keypad controller
tampering action at the alarm unit, siren,
or strobelight
Enter a master access code (chapter 2.1). The
display shows e. g.:
Do You Want to..
Set User 1 ?
the programming mode will be exited. The display
Do You Want to..
Test ?
O k !
the keypad controllers and the speaker connected
to the alarm control system will sound for the time
of the alarm recording. The display shows the cor-
responding zone in the meantime.
numerical key 9. To switch off the siren and the
strobelight, press the button 9 again.
ing mode, press the button 0 three times so that
date, time, and <<< UNSET >>> are displayed