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FinishControl 3500
3. Handling
If defe ts an be seen in the materials, pro essing or perform-
an e of the devi e during the guarantee period, guarantee
laims must be made immediately, or at the latest within a
period of 2 weeks.
The authorised spe ialist shop that delivered the devi e is enti-
tled to a ept guarantee laims. Guarantee laims may also be
made to the servi e entres named in our operating instru -
tions. The produ t has to be sent without harge or presented
together with the original pur hase do ument that in ludes
details of the pur hase date and the name of the produ t. In
order to laim for an extension to the guarantee, the guaran-
tee ertifi ate must be in luded.
The osts as well as the risk of loss or damage to the produ t
in transit or by the entre that a epts the guarantee laims
or who delivers the repaired produ t, are the responsibility of
the ustomer.
4. Exclusion of guarantee
Guarantee laims annot be onsidered
for parts that are subje t to wear and tear due to use or other
natural wear and tear, as well as defe ts in the produ t that
are a result of natural wear and tear, or wear and tear due
to use. This in ludes in parti ular ables, valves, pa kaging,
jets, ylinders, pistons, means- arrying housing omponents,
filters, pipes, seals, rotors, stators, et . Damage due to wear and
tear that is aused in parti ular by sanded oating materials,
su h as dispersions, plaster, putty, adhesives, glazes, quartz
in the event of errors in devi es that are due to non- omplian e
with the operating instru tions, unsuitable or unprofessional
use, in orre t assembly and/or ommissioning by the buyer
or by a third party, or utilisation other than is intended,
abnormal ambient onditions, unsuitable oating materials,
unsuitable operating onditions, operation with the in orre t
mains voltage supply/frequen y, over-operation or defe tive
servi ing or are and/or leaning.
for errors in the devi e that have been aused by using
a essory parts, additional omponents or spare parts that
are not original Wagner parts.
for produ ts to whi h modifi ations or additions have been
arried out.
for produ ts where the serial number has been removed or
is illegible
for produ ts to whi h attempts at repairs have been arried
out by unauthorised persons.
for produ ts with slight deviations from the target properties,
whi h are negligible with regard to the value and usability of
the devi e.
for produ ts that have been partially or fully taken apart.
5. Additional regulations.
The above guarantees apply ex lusively to produ ts that have
been bought by authorised spe ialist shops in the EU, CIS,
Australia and are used within the referen e ountry.
If the he k shows that the ase is not a guarantee ase, re-
pairs are arried out at the expense of the buyer.
The above regulations manage the legal relationship to us
on ludingly. Additional laims, in parti ular for damages and
losses of any type, whi h o ur as a result of the produ t or
its use, are ex luded from the produ t liability a t ex ept with
regard to the area of appli ation.
Claims for liability for defe ts to the spe ialist trader remain
unaffe ted.
German law applies to this guarantee. The ontra tual lan-
guage is German. In the event that the meaning of the Ger-
man and a foreign text of this guarantee deviate from one an-
other, the meaning of the German text has priority.
J. Wagner GmbH
Division Professional Finishing
Otto Lilienthal Strasse 18
88677 Markdorf
Federal Republi of Germany
UKCA Declaration of conformity
We de lare under sole responsibility that this produ t
onforms to the following relevant regulations:
Supply of Ma hinery (Safety) Regulations 2008
Ele tromagneti Compatibility Regulations 2016
The Restri tion of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substan es in
Ele tri al and Ele troni Equipment Regulations 2012
Applied harmonised standards
BS EN 60745-1:2009+A11:2010, BS EN 50580:2012+A1:2013,
BS EN 55014-1:2017+A11:2020, BS EN 55014-2:2015,
BS EN IEC 61000-3-2:2012, BS EN 61000-3-3:2013+A1:2019,
BS EN 62233:2008
EU Declaration of conformity
We de lare under sole responsibility that this produ t
onforms to the following relevant stipulations:
2006/42/EC, 2014/30/EU, 2011/65/EU, 2012/19/EU
Applied harmonised norms:
EN 60745-1, EN 50580, EN 62233, EN 55014-1, EN 55014-2,
EN 61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-3
The EU de laration of onformity is en losed with the
produ t.
If required, it an be re-ordered using order number
Subje t to modifi ations


Table des Matières

Table des Matières