• Get the person affected into fresh air. Call a doctor or the ambulance. In case of
breathing arrest, provide artificial respiration.
Measures after severe burns or scaldings
• There is an acute risk of hypothermia for the affected person. Call the emergen-
cy services immediately!
• In cases where clothes catch fire, extinguish flames immediately with water or a
heavy blanket.
• In case of burns: leave clothing on.
• In case of scalding: Remove clothing immediately.
• Cool down the affected parts of the body with cold water for at least 15 minutes
until the pain eases.
• Cover the affected area with a sterile Metalline burn dressing. Place the side of
the dressing with the Metalline (aluminium) coating onto the injured skin and fix
it in place by lightly affixing a gauze or triangular bandage.
• Do not resort to using "home remedies" of any kind, i.e. ointments, powders,
oils, disinfections etc.!
Measures after mild burns or scalding
• In case of burns: only remove clothing if it is not stuck to the skin.
• In case of scaldinf: remove clothing immediately.
• Apply cold water to the affected area of the body for at least 15 minutes, until
the pain eases.
• In cases where there is no blistering of the skin, allow smaller burns or scalding
injuries to heal in the open air. Do not cover them with a plaster or bandage.
Risk of fire and explosion
• Wherever possible avoid transporting the gas cylinder in vehicles where the lug-
gage compartment and driver's cab are not separated. The driver must be aware
of the potential risks and know what to do in case of an accident or emergency.