The PA–S/PAS–T are designed to fold saddle stitched sets on-line behind the AGR–P/
AGR–T. The folder will automatically work when it receives a pulse from the stitcher.
Position the PA–S/PAS–T at the exit end of the AGR–P/AGR–T. Connect the six pin connec-
tor cable to the female receptacle located on the AGR–P/AGR–T. Secure the two machines
together with the knurled locking knobs (12) provided. If a TR/TR–T is not being used attach
the motorized conveyor to the PA–S/PAS–T (refer to motorized conveyor instructions pg. 27).
MAIN POWER. This switch is located in the lower right corner of the machine. The switch
will illuminate when the switch is "on" and power is provided to the PA–S/PAS–T.
START. Momentarily press the start switch to activate the PA–S/PAS–T for on-line opera-
MOTOR STOP. Momentarily press the stop switch to shut off the PA–S/PAS–T.
EMERGENCY STOP. This switch will stop the PA–S/PAS–T from cycling and also stop
the collator from producing booklets. The folder and the collator cannot be restarted until
the operator disengages the Emergency Stop by rotating the red knob slightly clockwise.
MANUAL FOLD. The PA–S/PAS–T will cycle one time when this switch is pressed by the
operator. This switch is used to help the operator determine the set up of the
PA–S/PAS–T for proper fold position. On the PA–S only it is also necessary for the opera-
tor to press this switch to process the last book out of the folder.
HANDWHEEL. A handwheel is provided to allow the operator to cycle the machine by
hand. The handwheel should be stored in a safe location while the machine is being ope-
PAPER STOP CONTROL KNOB. The paper stops are moveable to position the fold in
the desired location. A scale is mounted on the stop tray to assist in positioning the
FOLD SKEW KNOB. This knob allows the operator to change the relationship between
the paper stops and the fold knife. Turning the knob will pivot the paper stop tray assem-
bly to square the fold.
ROLLER GAP CONTROL. Located on the non-operator's side of the machine this lever
can be adjusted to open or close the roller gap as required. Move the lever to the left for
thin sets and to the right for thicker sets.
11. GUIDE SKI ADJUSTMENT SCREWS. Located on both inner side frames of the
PA–S/PAS–T these 5 mm screws are used to adjust the height of the guide skis. A 5 mm
"T" wrench is provided for making this adjustment (see page 19).
12. MACHINE SPACERS. Two spacers are provided to securely space the PA–S/PAS–T
away from the AGR–P/AGR–T. These spacers need only be used when saddle stitching
sheets which are longer than A3 17". They may be mounted between the PA–S/PAS–T
and the AGR–P/AGR–T or between the collator and the AGR–P/AGR–T.
13. MANUAL BACKJOG. This switch is used to help the operator set up the backjogger. It is
necessary for the operator to press this switch in order to activate the the backjogger
allowing the proper positioning of the jogger to the paper. A 3 mm "T" wrench is provided
with the stitcher for making this adjustment.