10. SAFETY COVER LOCK. The plexiglass safety cover is secured in place with two locking
knobs. These knobs engage with interlock switches when the knobs are rotated clock-
wise. If the knobs are not in the proper position the machine will not operate.
11. SIDE JOGGER KNOB. Located on the operator's side of the machine, rotate the knob
clockwise to bring the jogger closer to the sheet, counter clockwise will move the jogger
further away.
12. CLINCHERS KNOB. On the AGR-P a knob centrally located on the operator's side is
used to control the position of the stitch clinchers. On the AGR-T a double knob centrally
located on the operator's side is used to change the position of the stitch clinchers. The
small inner knob will move the operator's side clincher, the large outer knob controls the
non-operator's side. The clinchers must be positioned under the stitch head to obtain a
proper stitch.
13. CLINCHER CLEARING LEVER. In the event that a stitch cycle occurs without paper
under the stitch heads the clinchers should be cleared. To do so lift the lever located
under the Clincher Knob and release. This will manually lift the clinchers to clear the unu-
sed stitches. Failure to do so may cause the clinchers to jam and defective stitches will
14. HEAD STOP LOCK. Located on the delivery end on the operator's side of the machine,
this knob is rotated clockwise to lock the head stops down when saddle stitching; a quar-
ter turn will release them for head stitching.
15. STITCHER TRANSPORT KNOB. Located on the lower right corner of the operator's
side, this knob is used to position the upper section of the AGR–P/AGR–T to allow for pro-
per jogging of the collated set prior to stitching.
16. STITCHER TRANSPORT LOCK. Located next to the transport knob, the lock must be
released before the stitcher can be moved. After the adjustment is completed the lock
should be engaged to ensure consistent rear jogging.
17. SUPPORT PLATES. There are various support plates provided to accommodate all the
popular sizes that may be run on the collator. Special plates may be made to handle spe-
cial sizes. Refer to the chart provided to select the proper plate for the job (pg 16). Each
plate has its own 3 mm lock screw.
18. SIDE JOGGER ARMS. A selection of jogging arms are provided to handle the various
sizes and stitch applications that may be required on the AGR–P/AGR–T. Please refer to
the sticker to select the proper jogging arms. The jogging arms are secured in place with
thumb screws provided.
19. PAPER DEFLECTORS. The AGR–P/AGR–T is equipped with two movable paper deflec-
tors to assist in the control of the sheets as they enter from the collator.
20. STITCH HEAD DRIVERS. Each stitch head has a driver that slides in place to engage
the stitch head. This driver is secured with a 3 mm screw.
According to the way (upside - down) it is used, it pulls more or less wire (see illustration
21. STITCH HEAD LOCK KNOBS. Located on the rear of each stitch head, the locks secure
the heads in the desired location.
22. EJECT ROLLER LOCK KNOB (AGR–T only). Located on the rear of the eject roller
assembly this secures the eject roller in the desired location.