body or to the engine block. Make sure that the connection is not made in the
immediate vicinity of the battery or a fuel line.
– Do not connect the clamp to the carburetor, to any fuel lines or any other metal
clamps which do not have a ground connection to the body.
– Do not place the charger on, over or in the near vicinity of the battery.
– Only connect the charger to the A/C outlet after all the connections have been
made. The charging process will begin automatically when the plug is con-
nected to the mains.
– When the charging process is completed, first disconnect the charger from the
mains. Then the clamps can be disconnected from the battery/car body.
If the battery is not mounted in the car, connect the clamps directly to the battery.
Red is connected to Plus (+) and black to Minus (–). After the clamps have been
connected to the battery, the charger can be connected to the mains.
7. disconnection oF chArging process
The charger is provided with an automatic switch-off control that ends the charging
process automatically once the charging end voltage is reached and switches
automatically to the conservation-charging mode. The yellow charging display switches
off in the conservation-charging mode or if the charge current falls under 80mA.
The device is characterised by the following properties:
– short-circuit and reverse-polarity protection
– Constant charging end voltage
– No charging if battery is connected with reverse-polarity
– Charging is only carried out if the battery is connected correctly
– Visual display, for net, charging and reverse-polarity
As opposed to common chargers, the charge current of this automatic charger does
not represent a precise value and depends on various factors. This includes e.g. the
charge condition of the battery, the battery age, type or capacity. In addition, it is
important how much the battery was discharged before. If the batt ery was extracted
a lot of current, a high initial charge current will take place at the beginning (max.
0,8 A) that will diminish after a short time. This means with in crea sing voltage of
the battery, the charge current decreases. The charging time, until the charging end
voltage is reached, depends on several parameters, e.g.:
– the capacity (Ah, the bigger the longer the charging time)
– the battery type
– the charging condition of the battery (full, partly charged, flat)
Automatic Charger AL800
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