FloTech Programmable Retain / Overfill Monitor
TB3 Float, Thermistor, and Optic Socket
These connections and are wired to the appropriate socket(s) as
dictated by the Loading Terminals in your area. At this time,
FloTech offers the following sockets:
FT300 API Optic Socket
FT301 API Thermistor Socket
FT302 API Float Socket
FT303 Optic Contact Pattern with Thermistor J slot
FT304 Canadian / Euro Thermistor Socket
FT305 J560 Type Thermistor Socket
FT306 J560 Type Optic Socket
FT390 API Dual Thermistor and Optic Sockets
Refer to Figs. 6 through 9 for socket wiring.
10464 REV C
Fig 6.
Float Socket Connections