These instructions cover the following FloTech products:
FT300 / FT310
FT301 / FT311
FT302 / FT312
FT303 / FT313
FT304 / FT314
FT305 / FT315
FT306 / FT316
FT307 / FT317
FloTech sockets are mechanically and functionally compatible with API 1004 Cargo Tank
Bottom Loading Recommended Practice. Socket faceplate and contact components are
interchangeable with Scully and Civacon socket bodies. Civacon is the registered trademark of
Civacon / Dover Corporation.
Sockets are to be mounted on the same side of the trailer as the bottom loading equipment.
Sockets are normally located within 3 feet of the bottom loading adapters so the rack plug and
cord will reach the socket without over stretching the cord. Remove the socket faceplate and
hardware packet and set aside. Use the socket body as a template to drill two 11/32" holes as
shown in Diagram 1. Mount the socket body to the trailer using two 5/16 bolt and lock
washers. Make sure the grounding wire, large eyelet end is fastened under one of the 5/16
Rev: Jan 2011
API Compatible Optic Socket (6 pin 3 J-Slot)
API Compatible Thermistor Socket (US 8pin 4 J-Slot)
API Compatible Float Socket (7 pin J560 type)
Optic Contact Pattern with Thermistor J Slot (6 pin 4 J-Slot)
Canadian / Euro Thermistor Socket (10 pin 4 J-Slot)
Old Style Thermistor ( 7 pin J560 type)
Optic Western Canada (7 pin J560 type)
Optic / Thermistor Canada (6 pin 4 J-Slot)
Dixon Bayco
4690 Interstate Dr. Suite F, Cincinnati, OH 45246
PH: 513 874 8499 FX: 513 874 8399
Instruction Manual 10158
Trailer Mounted Sockets
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