The boiler performs the following phases: START, BURN POT CLEANING, IGNITION, START-UP and FUNCTIONING.
During the BURN POT CLEANING several trapdoor blows occur, i.e. automatic cleaning of the burn pot to allow excellent
functioning. During the IGNITION phase, the pellet fed is burned, thanks to the heat introduced into the burn pot by the electric
resistance. When ignition has taken place, the boiler passes to START-UP, work preparation phase. In the "FUNCTIONING" phase
the user can set the power and the desired temperature of the water. The higher the power, the greater the speed of the product
itself in reaching normal working conditions of the system.
Press key P1 for 3 seconds. During the fi rst switch-ons, it is possible that slight odours are produced due to the drying of the
paints and silicones used. Avoid long stays and air the room. After an initial check-up, the machine will start to clean the burn
pot, by striking the trapdoor and then starts the IGNITION process,following these 3 points:
1.Power supply to the ign-plug
2.Power supply to the pellet feed motor
3.Start-up of the fumes motor.
If the machine has not ignited, the
In the event of the alarm due to no ignition:
wait for the machine to cool (green screen)
press key P1 for 3 seconds.
The boiler will work to reach the water temperature set by the user. The pump will start to function as soon as the factory-set
parameters are reached. An always open heating area is recommended to make the product functioning homogenous, avoiding
overheating blocks The boiler will automatically modulate when approaching the temperature set, going to minimum power
and then switching-off (H off ) if it will exceed the set over the factory set-parameters. When the water temperature drops, the
boiler will re-start.
Nota bene: the general times of the various functioning states are variable on the basis of the type of system and on the
basis of the parameters set.
Switch-off can take place manually by pressing key P1 for three seconds, automatically (due to a control programmed from the
utility in automatic mode), due to a contact of an additional external thermostat satisfi ed or H OFF. i.e. temperature of the water
reached and exceeded.
The product can also function with the additional thermostat. The
state of the contact will be shown on the display. If satisfi ed, the
thermostat, switches the boiler off , showing STAND-BY on the
As soon as the thermostat goes back to request mode, the boiler
will re-ignite (as long as a H OFF state is not present, i.e. mandatory
switch off due to the boiler water temperature over the limit set by
the user and the factory parameters). In the case of H OFF, as soon
as the water has dropped below the factory levels set, ignition will
take place.
Closed contact (on request) = automatic ignition
Open contact (satisfi ed) = automatic switch off
2 speaker clamps are present in the rear. The speaker clamp jumpered in the factory and indicated with STBY (reference
number 2) is that for the additional thermostat. The clamp with the wording AUX (reference number 1) is used to connect the
optional additional board).
Recommendations: position the external thermostat away from heat sources, at a height of about 1.5 m.
alarm occurs.