Installation information
Always install valve in flow direction; see flow
indicating arrow on body.
To avoid unnecessarily great resistance due to
individual components, no check valves cau-
sing a high pressure loss should, if possible,
be installed.
Installation of of MULTI-FIX-PLUS manual
double-regulating valves, Figure 150, is re-
commended in those sections of piping with
the greatest and next greatest pressure loss
in order to realise a high volume flow.
Adjustment of set-point temperature
Remove protective cover.
Located beneath the protective cover, on the
balancing head, is the adjusting cap with a
temperature scale from 30 °C – 50 °C.
Loosen lateral locking screw M5 using
a hex key (size: 2.5) and select the set-
point temperature by turning the cap
to coincide with the marker arrow on
the circumference of the upper section.
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Technical information
At the combination of KEMPER MULTI-THERM
automatic double-regulating valves with
central drinking water heating system atten-
tion should be paid to the fact that the drin-
king water warming up is carried out within
the operating temperature range of balancing
valves. If this is not the case, a faulty hydraulic
balance in the drinking water warm system
can occur.
Note! Temperatures in PWH and PWH-C
must be taken into account in accordance
with nationally applicable guidelines.
Note! Do not turn beyond limit
stops. Tighten locking screw and
replace protective cover. The co-
ver can be secured in place by
lead-sealing. The set-point tempe-
rature is the temperature at which
the balancing valve should attain
the k
min value.
Factory pre-setting: 43 °C