→ Inverse value displayed in the value in-
dicator field.
• Confirm the value entered using the va-
lue indicator field (inverse display extin-
• Frank the mail (section 5.3).
Important: If you wish to print an additio-
nal print cliché (Registered Letter, Express,
Printed Matter, etc., depending on country-
specific postal regulations) on the mail item
along with the value selected using the key-
pad, then make the relevant settings using
the two key-fields at the upper left.
If you begin entering a new value by pres-
sing the «CE» key to erase the current value,
any additional print cliché is switched off.
«Automatic tariff calculation»
working menu *
If the automatic postage calculation is in its
basic setting, the franking value displayed is
for a standard inland letter without additio-
nal services, and for the lowest weight ca-
The postage needed for a mail item can be
set to either «menu guided» or «free».
Proceed as follows for the menu gui-
ded mode:
• Press the «MENU GUIDED» key.
→ The menu field with all programmed
mail types (letter, packet, printed matter,
etc.) appears.
• Select the desired mail type key.
→ «Destination» menu field appears.
• Select the Destination key desired.
→ If needed, the «Format» menu field
• Press the Format key desired.
→ «Additional services» menu field ap-
→ An inverse display of the calculated
postage value appears in the value indica-
tor field.
• Select the additional services desired.
(You can correct your entries by pressing
the «CE» key.)
Special Case 1: Upon selecting an additio-
nal service which demands a value entry
(e.g. for an insured mail item), a sub-menu
field appears automatically for the value
entry. After confirming the value with
«OK», the menu field for the additional
service reappears.
→ Confirm the selected additional servi-
ces with the «OK» key.
→ «Enter weight» menu field appears.
• Select the relevant weight key or, in case
of a connected scale, press «STANDARD
SCALE» or «STACK SCALE» (see section
5.4). Using the «ENTER WEIGHT» key,
you can also enter the value using a key-
pad field. (Confirm with the «OK» key.)
Special case 2: For those mail types where
the postage changes with very small weight
changes, no weight keys appear. In these
cases you must use the «ENTER WEIGHT»
key or a connected scale.
– Automatic switch back to the main me-
nu field and display of the selected
combination in the large main field.
– Inverse display of the postage calcula-
ted in the value indicator field.
– Inverse display of the automatically sel-
ected postal sender cliché (dependent
on system configuration) in both upper
left fields.
• Confirm the postage calculated using the
value indicator field (inverse display extin-
• Frank the mail (section 5.3). For a new
setting press the «CE» key to revert to
the basic setting (standard letter inland /
no additional services / lowest weight ca-
For «free» calculation of tariffs, you can
directly select the individual settings for the
mail categories, destination, additional ser-
vices, etc., as follows:
• Mail type:
• Destination:
«DEST.» key
• Format:
«FORMAT» key
• Additional services: «ADD SERVICES» key
• Weight entry:
«WEIGHT» key
To set the parameters selected, use the sa-
me procedure as for the menu guided de-
termination. A completed setting procedu-
re is displayed on the associated key (e.g.
the «DEST.» key is replaced by «EUROPE»).
If you press this key again, you can change
the destination.