Automated Cleaning and Disinfection
Place the instruments on cleaning-friendly trays or racks, and avoid formation of unwashed areas.
Consider using the original system storage devices by Gebrüder Martin.
Use a 0.5% alkaline cleaner (e.g. Deconex® 28 Alka One by Borer Chemie) according to the
manufacturer's instructions for use (ensure the correct dosage!). The wound retractor system
marTract® is validated for alkaline cleaning. Acidic cleaning and disinfection agents must not be used.
Also observe the instructions of the equipment manufacturer.
Mechanical cleaning has been validated as follows:
Final Rinsing
Thermal disinfection
The data above may vary depending on loading and program.
The instruments must be removed from the machine and cooled down to room temperature
immediately after the end of the program. They should not remain in the WD after the cleaning
Check all parts for visible dirt after the cleaning process (especially in cannulations and blind holes). If
necessary, repeat the cycle or reclean manually. All joint parts must be dried after cleaning.
Check the parts for damage that could affect their function. Damaged and defective instruments must
be disposed of and replaced. Instruments that are to be sent to Gebrüder Martin for repair must also
be sterilized before.
Control and Care
Following cleaning, the instruments must be macroscopically clean, i.e. free from visible dirt or deposits.
Before each use, the instruments must be thoroughly inspected for damage such as fractures, cracks or
deformation, as well as for functional reliability. If wear, corrosion, deformation, porosity or other damage
is detected, the instrument must be immediately withdrawn from service.
Instruments with stains or spots must be withdrawn from service at once and given special treatment.
All movable parts, working tips and (scissor) blades should be inspected with particular care.
If damage or malfunction is detected, the instrument must also be withdrawn from service
2 min
5 min
3 min
2.5 min
2.5 min
Acc. to specification
marTract® – Wound Retractor System
Drinking water
0.5% alkaline solution
(e.g. Deconex® 28 Alka One)
Fully demineralized water
Fully demineralized water
Instructions for Use
=55°C (131°F)
>40°C (104°F)
>40°C (104°F)
max. 93°C (199.4°F)
60°C (140°F)
Revision 4