ferent versions lies in the final connection of the hand cable. The assembly
is here described on the example of a 8E41=8 SensorHand Speed.
1. To mount the 10V40 MyoWrist 2Act, pull the 9E70 Cable Bushing off
the cable and shorten it on one side (fig. 18). The longer component
will be used.
2. Degrease the threaded connectors of the 8E41 Ottobock System
Electric Hand, of the 10V40 MyoWrist 2Act and of the 9S266 Chassis
with Quick-Disconnect Wrist Unit with acetone, let them air dry and no
longer touch them.
3. Lead the cable of the 9E397 Coaxial Bushing through the 9S266 Chas-
sis with Quick-Disconnect Wrist Unit, the 10V40 MyoWrist 2Act, the
modified 9E70 Cable Bushing and the 8E41 Ottobock System Electric
Hand (fig. 19).
4. Apply a little bit of 636K14 Loctite 601 Adhesive to the lower third of
the thread of the 8E41 System Electric Hand (fig. 20). Take the 8E41
Ottobock System Electric Hand and screw in the 10V40 MyoWrist 2Act
(fig. 21). To avoid twisting the cable, turn the 10V40 MyoWrist 2Act and
not the System Electric Hand.
Please be aware that the cable can become twisted in this process.
The cable must run straight through the wrist unit in order to prevent it
from being damaged.
5. Fully screw the 10V40 MyoWrist 2Act in. Turn back by maximally 1 turn to
position the 10V40 MyoWrist 2Act. For good accessibility of the release
switch, it is recommended to position the switch anteriorly, starting from
the neutral or zero position (fig. 22).
6. Apply a little bit of 636K14 Loctite 601 Adhesive to the thread of the
9S266 Chassis with Quick-Disconnect Wrist Unit and screw it into the
10V40 MyoWrist 2Act hand-tight (fig. 23).
7. Pull through the 9E397 Coaxial Bushing upward. Position the 9E397
Coaxial Bushing in the guide holes of the 9S266 Chassis with Quick-
Disconnect Wrist Unit and tighten (fig. 24).
8. After fastening the 9E397 Coaxial Bushing, maximally flex the 10V40
MyoWrist 2Act once in both directions (fig. 25).
Ottobock | 23