Testing by Healthcare Professionals
Protection against infection
There is a potential risk of infection. Healthcare profes-
sionals using the CoaguChek XS system must be aware
that any object coming into contact with human blood is
a potential source of infection. Healthcare professionals
must also be aware that any cross-contamination is
a potential source of infection for patients. (See: Clinical
and Laboratory Standards Institute: Protection of Labora-
tory Workers from Occupationally Acquired Infections;
Approved Guideline – Third Edition; CLSI document
M29-A3, 2005).
Use gloves.
Use a separate lancet / separate lancing device for each patient.
Dispose of used lancets in a sturdy sharps container with lid.
Dispose of used test strips according to your institution's infection
control policy.
Follow all health and safety regulations in force locally.
Use only a lancing device that is approved for use by healthcare
professionals (for example, the Accu-Chek Safe-T-Pro Plus lancing
device from Roche shown below). Follow the manufacturer's
instructions for use in a multi-patient setting.
Testing by Healthcare Professionals