UviLine Series
If there are more datasets available than can be displayed, the arrows «
indicates that filter settings are active. In this case, only those datasets are displayed that correspond to the
selected filter criteria.
Measurement datasets can be:
displayed in short form as a list or in details as individual values ([List] <–> [Single value])
filtered (see section 4.12.7 and section 4.12.8)
deleted (see section 4.12.9).
with <STORE>, you can store the entire displayed list as a *.csv file in the internal DataB folder or on a USB
memory device connected to the USBA connection. The filter settings apply to the storing process. You can
freely select the file name. Thus you can, e. g. store in a separate file and systematically archive measurement
data of a certain period.
with <PRINT>, the entire displayed list can be printed. The filter settings apply to the print process.
» and «
» displayed additionally.
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