7.2 iTunes Server configuration
The CH3MNAS can be used as iTunes Server to provide a music library to iTunes clients in your network..
You need to enable this feature in the configuration before the iTunes Server of the CH3MNAS can be used
by any iTunes Client.
Login the web-based configuration of the CH3MNAS as described in chapter 5.1.
Select the option "Advanced Setup" and select "iTunes Server".
Set the option "iTunes Server" to "Enabled".
If you want to share music files which are stored on your whole CH3MNAS, make sure the option
"Root" is selected. If you want to share a specific drive or folder, uncheck the option "Root" and
browse to the folder you want to share.
If desired, you can add a password to the iTunes Server. Enter the password in the "Password" field.
Click "Apply" to save the settings.
The contents on your CH3MNAS are automatically indexed when you enable the iTunes Server and
all changed, added or removed files are automatically updated. If you want to initiate a manual
refresh of your iTunes library, click the "Refresh" button.