EC declaration of conformity
13 rue Levacher Cintrat
Parc de la Fontaine de Jouvence
91462 Marcoussis Cedex
State that the following products:
Mounting accessory, ETR8-2
Mounting accessory, ETR12-2
Mounting accessory, ETR15
Mounting accessory, ETR15P
Rigging accessory, XTLIFTBAR
Are in conformity with the provisions of:
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
Applied rules and standards*:
EN ISO 12100-1: 2004 (Mechanical Safety)
Established at Marcoussis, France
November 9
, 2009
Jacques Spillmann
* The general standard maximum loads are the following: one 8XT or 108P per ETR8-2, one 12XT or 112P per ETR12-2, one 115XT HiQ per
ETR15, one SB15P per ETR15P, and one 12XT or 112P or 115XT HiQ per XTLIFTBAR.
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