or others in the event of a severe hypoglycaemic episode (e.g. driving a motor
vehicle without following the Canadian Diabetes Association
Recommendations for Private and Commercial Drivers), do not rely on
Glucose Messages (High Glucose, Low Glucose, Glucose Going High and
Glucose Going Low) alone. Talk to your healthcare professional about
checking your glucose before and while driving.
• When using the System to replace blood glucose testing for making diabetes
treatment decisions, including insulin dosing, you should have a good
understanding of how to self-manage your diabetes, as determined by your
healthcare professional.
How to store the Sensor Kit:
How to store the Sensor Kit:
• Store the Sensor Kit between 4°C and 25°C. While you don't need to keep your
Sensor Kit in a refrigerator, you can as long as the refrigerator is between 4°C
and 25°C.
When not to use the System:
When not to use the System:
• Do NOT use if the Sensor Pack or the Sensor Applicator seem to be damaged
or already opened.
• Do NOT use if past expiry date.
What to know before you apply the Sensor:
What to know before you apply the Sensor:
• Clean the application site and ensure that it is dry prior to Sensor insertion.
This helps the Sensor stay attached to your body.
When is Sensor Glucose different from Blood Glucose:
When is Sensor Glucose different from Blood Glucose:
• Glucose levels in the interstitial fluid can be different from blood glucose
levels and may mean that Sensor glucose readings are different from blood
glucose. You may notice this difference during times when your blood glucose
is changing quickly, for example after eating, taking insulin or exercising.
When to remove the Sensor:
When to remove the Sensor:
• If the Sensor is becoming loose or if the Sensor tip is coming out of your skin,
you may get no readings or unreliable readings, which may not match how
you feel. Check to make sure your Sensor has not come loose. If it has come
loose, remove it and apply a new one.
• On rare occasions, you may get inaccurate Sensor glucose readings. If you
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