WARNING: Review all V.A.C.Ulta™ Therapy System Safety
Information before beginning Wound Preparation.
NOTE: If a V.A.C. VeraT.R.A.C.™ Pad or V.A.C. VeraT.R.A.C. Duo™ Tube Set is currently in place on the dressing,
consider use of the Dressing Soak tool of the V.A.C.Ulta™ Therapy Unit to hydrate the dressing with sterile water,
normal saline or an approved topical solution. This hydration is intended to facilitate removal of the dressing
while potentially reducing patient discomfort during dressing change. Refer to the V.A.C.Ulta™ Therapy System
User Manual for instructions on using the Dressing Soak tool.
1. Remove and discard previous dressing per institution protocol� Thoroughly inspect wound to
ensure all pieces of dressing components have been removed.
NOTE: If the dressing being removed is a V.A.C.® Dressing or a V.A.C. VeraFlo™ Therapy Dressing, ensure
removal of all pieces of foam. The Log tool on the V.A.C.Ulta™ Therapy Unit can be used to review the
number of foam pieces used in the wound if previously entered. Refer to the V.A.C.Ulta™ Therapy System
User Manual for instructions on using the Log tool. Refer to Warnings regarding Foam Removal in the
safety information section of this document.
2. Ensure debridement of all necrotic, non-viable tissue, including bone, eschar, or hardened slough, as
prescribed by physician�
3. Perform thorough wound and periwound area cleaning per physician order or institution protocol
prior to each dressing application�
4. Protect fragile / friable periwound skin with additional V�A�C�® Advanced Drape, 3M™ Tegaderm™
Dressing, or other similar medical grade transparent film, skin protectant or hydrocolloid�
NOTE: Depending on region, 3M™ Cavilon™ No Sting Barrier Film may be provided in the dressing
Application of the 3M™ Cavilon™ No Sting Barrier Film (if used):
Skin should be clean and dry prior to application of 3M™ Cavilon™ No Sting Barrier Film�
Use supplied wipe to apply a uniform coating of film over the desired area (Fig. 1)�
If an area is missed, reapply to that area only after first application of 3M™ Cavilon™ No Sting
Barrier Film has dried (approximately 30 seconds)�
Fig. 1